December 9th, 2022: Using data from a review of existing reports and studies, from a survey conducted by the Institut de recherche et d’informations socioéconomiques (IRIS) in the fall of 2020, from focus groups with community organizations in the winter of 2021 and from a survey conducted by the Observatoire de l’ACA in late 2021, the Observatoire de l’ACA published in October 2022 a report presenting some impacts of the COVID-19 crisis on umbrella organizations.

The COVID-19 pandemic had significant impacts on the internal organization of umbrella organizations, but it also impacted the relationships they maintain with their members and the nature and intensity of the roles they play, particularly as regards the dissemination of information, representation, support and mobilization.



An infographic illustrating the diversity and scope of the roles played by umbrella organizations during the COVID-19 crisis is also available.

Cette publication est également disponible en français ICI.

Graphic design: Émilie Tremblay

Translations into English from French done by: Coop l’Argot, Translation and Linguistic Services

Ce projet est rendu possible grâce à la contribution financière du ministère du Travail, de l’Emploi et de la Solidarité sociale, de la Fondation Chagnon et de la Fondation Béati.

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