Using data from a survey conducted by the Institut de recherche et d’information socioéconomiques (IRIS) in the autumn of 2020 and from a preliminary analysis drawn from focus groups with community organizations in the winter of 2021, the Observatoire de l’ACA published preliminary data in June 2021 in the form of two thematic reports.

The first report seeks to present how organizations adapted during the early stages of the crisis and the impacts these changes had on their actions and mission.


The second report seeks to present how community organizations confronted health risks over the past several months and the primary challenges they encountered.


Other results will be published in the fall of 2021 and will cover other dimensions that were raised in the focus groups, for example the impacts on different populations and on the people reached, impacts on funding and support measures, impacts on democratic and organizational life, etc.

Ces deux publications sont également disponibles en français ICI.

Graphic design credit : Pilon design

Ce projet est rendu possible grâce à la contribution financière du ministère du Travail, de l’Emploi et de la Solidarité sociale, de la Fondation Chagnon et de la Fondation Béati.

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